1. An anchored understanding
3. An active prayer life that connects them firmly with the Holy Spirit and his leadings
4. A clear understanding of Christ’s Church and its importance in our time as well as past & future.
Deuteronomy 5 & Exodus 20
The Commandments were written by God on stone tablets for Moses to present to God’s people. God did this after leading Moses to bring the children of Israel (Jacob) to freedom out of Egyptian slavery and Pharaoh's heavy hand. The Apostle John wrote in 3 different letters that the concepts of the Commandments are first found in Genesis. In the very beginning of creation they are part of what God taught Adam & Eve. We know this because all of them were broken in Genesis. When Adam let the Serpent have greater influence over him than God he was putting the serpent in God’s place breaking the 1st. When they thought the fruit was able to give them something God would not, they were bowing to an Idol. Adam and Eve are the first marriage. Marriage is what the 7th one protects. When they named their children they established the 5th. When Cain murdered his Brother the 6th was broken. Adam’s first day on earth was the Sabbath. It’s the reason the 4th Commandment says REMEMBER the Sabbath. Adam and Eve stole the fruit from the only tree that God reserved ownership of. Then they bore false witness about their theft of it, which occurred because they coveted a benefit they believed they were forbidden to have. All ten are there in the first few chapters. The commandments are in every book of the Bible. They describe righteousness for us and are God’s love language for us. They teach us how to love God and people. They show us what actions the word ‘love’ was meant to embrace, defining a loving God. They reveal the truth of our nature by helping us measure for ourselves if we truly are a loving, holy people.
The Psalmist asked, “’How can a young man keep his way pure?’ Then answers, “By keeping it according to your WORD.” (Psalm 119:9) Psalm 119 is the longest psalm and its subject is God’s ‘law’ that makes ready a young heart to grasp the value of the commandments. It is not just a simple list of good rules. They are an eloquent mystery which God unfolds through heartfelt study over a lifetime. Their contents seem to be ever expanding and are central to the whole of scripture. Their presence is found within the scripture from the beginning of creation to its end in Revelation of Jesus Christ & his church. Christ and His Church are God made visible and the heart of the scripture. The Commandments clearly define Sin as actions that begin in the heart. God had to put them on stone tablets because the human tablet of the heart had been effaced by sin. If a young heart is prepared by them, that person can easily be brought to God for His Merciful salvation as told in the New Testament.
In Deut. 6:6-7, God told us to think about them every day for our whole life. He also told us to teach them to our children morning, day & night in all we do. These number pictures can help you get started. Then as you read your Bible & live your life you can think about how they are important to every thought & event.
They are simple enough to learn. The love God offers us can be learned through them. They first teach Deep reverence to God and from that reverence He moves us to a civility toward the crown of His creation, mutual affection for ourselves and our fellow man.
Deuteronomy 11:19
Teach them to your children, talking about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. …
Proverbs 14:34, 35
34. Righteousness exalts a nation, But sin is a disgrace to any people.
35.The king's favor is toward a servant who acts wisely, But his anger is toward him who acts shamefully
150 years ago, Richard Newton - an itinerant preacher to youth, wrote a book for youth on the 10 Commandments called, “THE KING’S HIGHWAY” The work is striking to today’s culture. Our parents & leaders know so little of what was commonly taught among young people of his day. Today church leaders try to persuade people to receive God’s love through heavenly bribes. But this author poses a great proposition. He simply asked, “What is it to have a God?” After proposing a few benefits, He went on to assert that God ought to receive something in return from us for being our God. He ought to receive our highest affection.
Being Loved by God is on the hearts of children, but the need for them to love Him in return is seldom heard. The teaching of the commandments balances both the receiving of God’s love and the return of our highest affection, being readily understood by a humble heart through childlike faith.
“Teach them his decrees and instructions, and show them the way they are to live and how they are to behave “- Exodus 18:20.
We need to know them & keep them with deep affection. The children and parents of every nation need their meaning.
The Commandments help us know Gods affection for us. Our love for God is shown as we hold them dear to our hearts and understand they are God's LOVE language. They are like the vows given by a Bride & Groom at a wedding. They show us how we can know the Love we have for God and that God has for us. They also teach us how to know when we do not have the highest of all affection that God should have from us. When we are in “Sin” they shine light into that darkness that wants to reign over the soul.
There are Patterns in them (example)
· 1st 3 are only about how People treat God
· 4th is for God & People
· 6-10 are only about how People treat People
A Bible Prayer for you:
~Numbers 6, 24-26
"The Lord bless and keep you: the LORD make his face shine on you, and be gracious to you:
The LORD lift up his countenance on you, and give you peace."
1. An anchored understanding
- · How God defined Sin, (The 10 Commandments)
- · God’s trouble with his own loving mercy & Holiness·
- · How he gave us the gift of His own righteousness
3. An active prayer life that connects them firmly with the Holy Spirit and his leadings
4. A clear understanding of Christ’s Church and its importance in our time as well as past & future.
Deuteronomy 5 & Exodus 20
The Commandments were written by God on stone tablets for Moses to present to God’s people. God did this after leading Moses to bring the children of Israel (Jacob) to freedom out of Egyptian slavery and Pharaoh's heavy hand. The Apostle John wrote in 3 different letters that the concepts of the Commandments are first found in Genesis. In the very beginning of creation they are part of what God taught Adam & Eve. We know this because all of them were broken in Genesis. When Adam let the Serpent have greater influence over him than God he was putting the serpent in God’s place breaking the 1st. When they thought the fruit was able to give them something God would not, they were bowing to an Idol. Adam and Eve are the first marriage. Marriage is what the 7th one protects. When they named their children they established the 5th. When Cain murdered his Brother the 6th was broken. Adam’s first day on earth was the Sabbath. It’s the reason the 4th Commandment says REMEMBER the Sabbath. Adam and Eve stole the fruit from the only tree that God reserved ownership of. Then they bore false witness about their theft of it, which occurred because they coveted a benefit they believed they were forbidden to have. All ten are there in the first few chapters. The commandments are in every book of the Bible. They describe righteousness for us and are God’s love language for us. They teach us how to love God and people. They show us what actions the word ‘love’ was meant to embrace, defining a loving God. They reveal the truth of our nature by helping us measure for ourselves if we truly are a loving, holy people.
The Psalmist asked, “’How can a young man keep his way pure?’ Then answers, “By keeping it according to your WORD.” (Psalm 119:9) Psalm 119 is the longest psalm and its subject is God’s ‘law’ that makes ready a young heart to grasp the value of the commandments. It is not just a simple list of good rules. They are an eloquent mystery which God unfolds through heartfelt study over a lifetime. Their contents seem to be ever expanding and are central to the whole of scripture. Their presence is found within the scripture from the beginning of creation to its end in Revelation of Jesus Christ & his church. Christ and His Church are God made visible and the heart of the scripture. The Commandments clearly define Sin as actions that begin in the heart. God had to put them on stone tablets because the human tablet of the heart had been effaced by sin. If a young heart is prepared by them, that person can easily be brought to God for His Merciful salvation as told in the New Testament.
In Deut. 6:6-7, God told us to think about them every day for our whole life. He also told us to teach them to our children morning, day & night in all we do. These number pictures can help you get started. Then as you read your Bible & live your life you can think about how they are important to every thought & event.
They are simple enough to learn. The love God offers us can be learned through them. They first teach Deep reverence to God and from that reverence He moves us to a civility toward the crown of His creation, mutual affection for ourselves and our fellow man.
Deuteronomy 11:19
Teach them to your children, talking about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. …
Proverbs 14:34, 35
34. Righteousness exalts a nation, But sin is a disgrace to any people.
35.The king's favor is toward a servant who acts wisely, But his anger is toward him who acts shamefully
150 years ago, Richard Newton - an itinerant preacher to youth, wrote a book for youth on the 10 Commandments called, “THE KING’S HIGHWAY” The work is striking to today’s culture. Our parents & leaders know so little of what was commonly taught among young people of his day. Today church leaders try to persuade people to receive God’s love through heavenly bribes. But this author poses a great proposition. He simply asked, “What is it to have a God?” After proposing a few benefits, He went on to assert that God ought to receive something in return from us for being our God. He ought to receive our highest affection.
Being Loved by God is on the hearts of children, but the need for them to love Him in return is seldom heard. The teaching of the commandments balances both the receiving of God’s love and the return of our highest affection, being readily understood by a humble heart through childlike faith.
“Teach them his decrees and instructions, and show them the way they are to live and how they are to behave “- Exodus 18:20.
We need to know them & keep them with deep affection. The children and parents of every nation need their meaning.
The Commandments help us know Gods affection for us. Our love for God is shown as we hold them dear to our hearts and understand they are God's LOVE language. They are like the vows given by a Bride & Groom at a wedding. They show us how we can know the Love we have for God and that God has for us. They also teach us how to know when we do not have the highest of all affection that God should have from us. When we are in “Sin” they shine light into that darkness that wants to reign over the soul.
There are Patterns in them (example)
· 1st 3 are only about how People treat God
· 4th is for God & People
· 6-10 are only about how People treat People
A Bible Prayer for you:
~Numbers 6, 24-26
"The Lord bless and keep you: the LORD make his face shine on you, and be gracious to you:
The LORD lift up his countenance on you, and give you peace."