In the Beginning, God!
![]() ![]() TOPIC: GOD IS the CREATOR
WHY THIS: The Bible begins with telling us about God. We should start there too. VISUAL Tools: Wordless Book:· Yellow Page Bible: GENESIS 1:1 “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” Novelty Hand out item Smiley face Erasers, stickers or Rings IN-24/1164 $5.25/144pcs <Click OPENING Song: God’s Top Ten Use hand sign page to teach the club leaders before meeting starts so they can do motions as students arrive at club. Club Officer/Helper
Opening Prayer This is a good time to say short one sentence statements that teach about prayer. Introduce a student volunteer to pray. Prayer is when we talk to God. Today we can talk to God for our school teachers, cooks, principal and our families, … Closing Prayer ( You, a student or a Guest) “Dear God thank you for creating the earth and the heavens and me! Thank you for all the great things that you have made for us to discover even about you. You did all those things then you can take care of me and my family too. I am thankful that you are God and that you are Good.” MEMORY VERSE Tips: Use 5 sheets of card stock. On one sheet draw and color an hour glass or a clock, on the next sheet draw hands shaping a clay pot, on another draw the moon and stars, on another draw the earth and finally the Bible. Take out the #1 Put God 1st Commandment Visual card. On the back of each sheet, write the portion of the memory verse for each picture. Use the pictures to help them remember the verse. |
Download the lesson Plan as a PDF. It has more instructions for hosting a Kids for Christ Club and full lesson plans.
(This Lesson is short because students will be experiencing Kids for Christ for the first time. They will be getting adjusted and so will you. Be patient but very attentive. They will need to settle in. Tell How we will be learning about God, Jesus and the holy Spirit and about the Bible. Help know how you want them to respond and during your 1st group meeting) What are the very first words of the Bible?
Well there it is... That is the most important thing you can know in your whole life! GOD!. There is a lot to know about God too! Things like, there is only ONE God. We need to know more. So one thing we learn here in Genesis 1:1 is that God was already here in the beginning. Let’s hear the rest of the verse. “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” So knowing the very first words of the Bible we learn the MOST important things to know.
God has the very best manners. He introduced himself to us first. He did that again when he gave us the 10 Commandments too. Just like we introduced ourselves to you. Lets use our good manners and introduce yourself to the person to your right. Tell them hello and what your name is, then listen when they tell you their name, use their name and say hello. Like this, "Hello, My Name is Ms. Cindy." What is your name?" (They say something like, "My Name is Amber." so I say, "I'm happy to meet you. Amber" God introduced himself 1st in the book of Genesis. He also told us that He is our creator and in the very 1st Commandment he tells us “I am the Lord your God who delivered you from Egypt and bondage" So in Genesis God says he created us and in the Commandments God said he rescued us. He is a good God who wants good things for us. Teaching with a VISUAL MEMORY VERSE: Front Back Picture “In the Beginning “ Hour Glass “God”- 1st Commandment Visual Card “Made” Hands forming clay pot “The heavens” Stars & Moon “and the earth” Earth “Genesis 1:1” BIBLE Lets look at these pictures to help us remember the verse and say it together. |