Kids for Christ Student Leadership
You heard about Kids For Christ Clubs and now you would like to have one in your school. Maybe you don't know if you can do it all by yourself. Its OK! You don't have to do it alone. You can ask others for help. All student leaders ask for help. Asking those who know how to do what you want to do is a big part of leading anything. Just follow the simple steps one at a time and before you know it you will have a Kids for Christ Club up and running. The first thing to do is pray and ask God to help you find the right people to help you. Pray for the people you will ask to help you. Pray for yourself to have God's patience and wisdom leading your and showing you how. Next thing to do is get permission. Getting Permission Permission from your parents You have to ask your parents if you can start a club. All Kids for Christ members must have permission from their parents to be a Club Member. Permission from your school Pray for all of your school staff. School staff have a difficult job. Be sure to be a blessing to them. Trust the Lord in opening the door for you. You will need to get permission from your school Principal to start a club. It's easy! Just write a note to your principal asking them if you can have a Kids for Christ Bible Club at your school. Include this Website address, KidsforChristClubs,com, So they can learn more about what you are asking for. You can download and print out the material on this site to bring to your principal. Be respectful. Your principal has a very big job to do. They have to look out for the interest of all the students at your school. Sometimes, having enough space and staff will be an issue. Sometimes a principal will have to look into school board policy before they can give you an answer. Remember "No" is an option from your school principal. Respect them as authority that God had raised up for His purposes. Then pray for them. God can change their hearts. They may want someone they already know, are comfortable with and can trust with this important responsibility and care of the students. The people you ask to help will need to be approved by the principle also. The principal is responsible for the safety of all students. They can refuse to allow adults to enter the campus who they consider to be unsafe or disruptive to campus order and safety. All parents rely on the principal to keep their children in a safe environment. Be patient. Cooperate with your principal through each step.