TOPIC: Learning the 10 by Number
WHY THIS: Jesus taught that the all the commandmenst had just two subjects. How to love God and love people VISUAL Tools: Wordless Book: Black Page Bible: Deuteronomy 5:6-21 & Exodus 20:1-17 Visual Tools Visual Flash Cards OBJECT LESSON GIFT: Two knot Bracelets Order enough to give 1 per student IN- 24/365 $5.25 for 72 pcs Opening song: God’s Ten Best Use hand sign page to teach the club leaders to do motions as students arrive at club. Club Officer/Helper 1. Learn & Practice Song 2. Prayer & Devotional Time (Review home lesson) 3. Choose Tasks (Teach how to be effective) START: 1. Call Students & Start song 2. Encourage them to do the motions 3. Stop Song, Good Morning welcome students 4. Introduce volunteer Prayer leader 5. Invite everyone to bow heads and pray 6. Student prays then thank them as they go WELCOME TO BIBLE CLUB 1 Introduce yourself & Adult Volunteers 2 Where to get permission slips for others to join 3 Tell them about the 5th grade helpers 4 What time to be at club (Don’t skip breakfast) 5 What they can expect today Opening Activity Ask 10 5th grade leaders to help you hold up the visual cards facing the group. Hand students the Visual cards to them in random order. Then tell them to put themselves in order. As they are arranging themselves in number order, tell the rest of the students how the Commandments help us know how to get ourselves in order. Opening Prayer This is a good time to say short one sentence statements that teach about prayer. Introduce a student volunteer to pray. (Pray for courage and peace for each teacher & student) Closing Prayer You, a student or guest may lead. Dear God We trust you know what is best. I want to learn about you so I will trust you. You are always here. Even though I can not see you, you see and hear everything. I pray that you will help me to know you are there with me. You can take care of our family while we are apart. Help us do well today in school and show love and respect our classmates and the adults who are taking care of us.” |
LESSON: III The 10 Commandments by Topic Part I
After the students are in order have the first four hold the cards up high and the other 6 place the cards they are holding lower. Now go through each command and ask them what it says then tell them the right answer. As you go through them ask them if they know what some of the less common words that are underlined below mean, like’ Idol’ & ‘Vain’. Tell them you are going to be helping them learn more of what they mean. As you go through these 1st four Say, Jesus taught that God put the commandments in two groups. So lets go over them and find out who they are for or about. Say them together then ask who is it about? Give them clues but let them try to answer, then you say YES, and say the right answer. . #1. There is only ONE PUT GOD 1st. Who is it about? - God #2. Do not bow down to Idols - Who is it about? - God #3 Do not take Gods name in vain. - Who is it about? – God #4 Go to Church and Rest - Who is it about? – God All four of these commandments are about how we treat God. Now lets look at the next group. ( Have the 1-3 lower their cards and have #4 stay up then raise 5-10 high.) #4 Go to Church and Rest - Who is it about? God and People #5. Honor your Father & Mother. Who’s it about? Parent People #6 Do not Murder. Who is it about? – All People #7 One Spouse faithful for life. Who’s it about? Married People #8 Do not steal. Who is it about? All People #9 Do not bear false witness Who is it about? All People #10 Do not covet. Who is it about? All People (Point to 4-10 and have the students hold those cards higher) Say: Look at # 4 It is about both Loving God and Loving people too and all the rest of these last 6 commandments are about people. One Day some Pharisees tried to trick Jesus and asked Him which one of the Commandments was the greatest. He said (Point to 1-4) Love the Lord Your God with all your heart with all your mind and with all your strength… This is the FIRST and greatest Commandment, and the second… (Point to the last #4-#10)…. is like it, Love your neighbor like you love yourself. THEN He also said… ALL the LAW and ALL the Prophets hand on these two. Jesus was saying that what matters to God is that we LOVE God and LOVE people. We can’t just act like we do. We really have to love in our actions. All the LAW and ALL that the Prophets said teach us how to do these two things. Love God and Love people. Closing Prayer: Hand Outs (Give out After Closing Prayer) Hand out the Bracelets. These two knots that form this bracelet from one string are like the two subjects of the Commandments, The two knots are Like God’s promise to us if we will Love God and Love People… Just like this string is held into a bracelet by these two knots, these All the rest of God’s commands is held together by these two subjects. Love God and Love People |